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Crooked Images Nood Shoot | Albany Pride Festival

Crooked Images Nood Shoot

Proudly presented by

Dates & Times:

Sunday, 5th March 2023 @ 4:00pm

Crooked Images Group Nood Shoots, captured by artist Lauren Crooke, are a celebration of the beauty, diversity, strength, and the future of women and non-binary people through the female lens. NOTE: Exact time of event to be confirmed closer to date.

The magnificent artworks that are created are incredibly moving and incite important conversations that inspire change. The final prints will be exhibited once the collection is complete.

PLEASE NOTE: The time of the event will be confirmed once the weather conditions are known – we will keep attendees updated, but it is expected to be late afternoon.

More information about Crooked Images can be found here.

To register your interest or find out more information, please email bessie@crookedimages.com.au 

Dates & Times
5th March, 2023
Accessibility Information
Note about accessibility information: Albany Pride regularly undertake evaluations about accessibility information of our venues, and take them into account when choosing venues for events, but we cannot always guarantee the accuracy of information in the light of changes to the venue that fall outside of our control. We have provided accessibility for the venue in general, but these may also be different for the event itself (e.g. making gendered-toilets gender-neutral for the event), so please make sure you check both the venue and event accessibility information below.