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Other Things to Do | Albany Pride Festival
Other Things to Do
What else is there to do in the region?

Now obviously, we want you to come to as many of our events as possible – but we also want visitors to find out everything the region has to offer, so they’ll come back time and time again. Tourism is incredibly important to the region, helping our local economy to thrive, and in turn, provide services and opportunities of our local LGBTQIA+ community.

So: what does the region boast? Well, first off – the scenery. If there’s one comment we most often receive from visitors to the region, it is about how beautiful it is down here. We don’t mind tooting our own horn here: we live in a stunning part of the world!

In the refgion, you’ll find stunning forests, capitvating beaches (which can often be completely empty!), bushwalks, and impressive views. We strongly suggest you set aside some time to explore them!

In the city, we boast some nice restaurants and pubs (although we always suggest checking their opening times), and we’ve got some incredible wineries in the outer parts of the region.

Albany/Kinjarling is Western Australia’s oldest European settlement, so there’s plenty of history too. You could check out the Albany Convict Gaol and Patrick Taylor Cottage to get a glimpse of early colonial life, or the Historic Whaling Station to learn about what was once one of the principle forms of employment and income for the region.

For those interested in ANZAC history, the National ANZAC Centre provides an immersive experience, with incredible views of Ellen Cove/Binalup and King George Sound/Mammang-Koort.

The region is steeped in Menang-Noongar history too, and when visiting some of our impressive walks and beauty spots in the region, you can discover the meaning behind their names, their significance to the Menang people, and the dreamtime stories associated with them.