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The Arts | Albany Pride Festival
The Arts
Find out why we consider the Arts to be an important part of our festival.

There’s no denying that the Queer community and the Arts have had a close, inseparable relationship throughout history, and the Arts have been an integral part of Queer culture as a form of self-expression, story-telling, and communication.

Whilst LGBTQIA+ visibility within the Arts has improved significantly, there’s still a long way to go – particularly in regional areas. Albany Pride Festival has the Arts as a festival priority, and through our partnership with the Albany Entertainment Centre and our incredible team of volunteers with experience in the Arts industry, we aim to bring the Arts to Albany as part of our Festival lineup.

With the Festival now taking place around late February, the Albany Pride Festival were able to source shows that had previously appeared in Perth’s Fringe Festival that took place earlier on in the year, making it easier to bring acts down to the region.

Each year, we collect surveys and feedback to see how we can better implement the Arts and to what kinds of Arts events people would like to see.

If you have a special interest or expertise in the Arts and would like to get involved with the Albany Pride Festival, we’d love to hear from you.